Getting It Right When You Are A DJ At An Indian Wedding

29 June 2021
 Categories: Entertainment, Blog


It takes quite a bit of planning when you're hired to be the DJ at an Indian wedding reception. The first thing you should find out about is the Indian culture of the people you will be entertaining. There are a number of cultures within an Indian population. Their families come from many different areas in India. So you should prepare the type of music you'll be using for the culture of those who will be attending the event. Meet with the parents of the bride and the bridegroom and find out what type of music is acceptable for the event.

Music And What Else?

It's not only music that the DJ has to think about. The DJ will be rallying a crowd. So he or she will need to understand the cultural differences between Muslim weddings, Sikh weddings, Hindu weddings, and other South Asian weddings. It's a good idea for the hired DJ to spend time learning about the event and the audience who is to be entertained.

Avoid Mishaps

A DJ should not hesitate to draw up a formal proposal and present it to the bride and bridegroom and their parents. The proposal should explain what conditions you have in mind that will work for the specific wedding celebration. Let them know that you will be performing at the reception and not someone else.

What You Wear As A DJ Defines Your Professionalism

By wearing professional attire, you're showing respect to guests and the bridal group and yourself. In some cases, you might be asked to sign a venue code of conduct that says that you will not drink on the job. 

Emcee Duties

A DJ may be asked to take on MC duties at weddings. When an MC is present though, the DJ takes cues from the MC. So you should clear up who is to be the MC at the event and make plans for properly positioning yourself if an MC is present on the day of the wedding.

How The DJ Pulls Off An Evening Of Successful Entertainment

A great DJ knows exactly what type of music to play for the audience. If couples gathering on the dance floor are teens and young adults, then play the music you have prepared for them. When the younger audience takes a rest, strike up the music you've prepared for parents, uncles, aunts and grandparents. Get that sequence going all night long, and you'll be pleasing everyone with the kind of music they love.

Contact a DJ for Indian weddings to learn more.